Total Number of Computers as per stock: 113
Total Computer laboratories:02(Sr.Secondary and Primary)
Computer laboratories with internet and LAN:02
Class rooms with wireless internet connectivity:48
Number of Internet connections for teaching:03
Speed of internet connection:300Mbps
Number of e-class rooms:24

The ratio as on 31-01-2022 is 17:1

➢ The school was instructed to shift from Microsoft Teams to GSuite platform for online classes after summer holidays. This needed creation of GSuite ids for the teachers and students, training for using the google classroom and google meet both for teachers and students. The computer department could achieve this target successfully. Online trainings were conducted during summer holidays. The RO level training materials were distributed to the teachers and doubts were clarified during online training. Mr. Mujeeb Rahman, TGT Librarian who is the RO level admin was invited for an online session to interact with all teachers.
➢ The teachers were given the Apple iPad and writing pads from the computer stock for online teaching.
➢ As per the recommendation of the School Academic council and instruction from Principal additional FTTH connections were availed from BSNL.
➢ The frequent disconnection issue of the BSNL internet connectivity was solved by availing 3 FTTH connections from Asianet as per the instruction from Academic Council and Principal.
➢ The Vidyalaya building is in ‘U’ shape and the Wi-Fi coverage was not satisfactory at various classrooms in the floors. To solve this a team of experts were called for suggesting the rectification. As per the report from the team of experts Department submitted a request for structured wireless internet connectivity with firewall and POE switch and Wi-Fi points with mesh technology. In the restructuring work, the whole network cabling is redid using cat 6 cables in a systematic way. Each access point is allotted internet from the server. The above work was proposed and recommended by Vidyalaya Academic council and after the approval from VMC the work was completed in the beginning of November.
➢ Every classroom, department and office are now covered under wireless internet with one id and password. The school is working now in a load balanced network, more efficiently.
➢ Purchased 40 tripods for mobile phones to support hybrid classes. Training was given to teachers on how to use tripod and set it for conduct of offline class.
➢ The hybrid mode of classes is conducted using mobile phones with tripod/ laptop/iPad.
➢ The classroom with projectors is made to optimum utilisation for smooth conduct of classes in both online/offline mode.
➢ Materials/E-content are still uploaded in google classroom.
➢ The Interactive panel purchased for video conferencing and the projector purchased for ATL lab is also used for conduct of hybrid class for higher classes also.
➢ Senior computer laboratory computers were repaired by availing service from experts. 21 computers are in working condition with the internet connectivity.
➢ Primary computer laboratory computers were checked by experts. 5 computers are recommended for condemnation from the primary computer laboratory. Now there are 15 working computers.

ICT Infrastructure Type: