First Shift

Mr. Vijay Kumar Bairwa

He secured 100% result in AISSE-2019 with 66.13 Performance Index (PI) in the SUBJECT - SOCIAL STUDIES. His PI is selected in the Criteria - [CERTIFICATE OF - SILVER CATEGORY (Code DS)] which is designed by Regional Office (RO) Level for APPRECIATION LETTERS TO TEACHERS FOR CBSE RESULT CLASS-X 2019.


Teacher Achievers 2020-2021

Teacher Achievers for Class-X and XII 2020-2021.


Computer Lab

Name of the KV -> K.V. TIKAMGARH
No. of Comp. lab -> 02
No. of Comp lab having LAN connectivity -> 50
Internet facility YES/ NO -> YES
Broad band connection YES/ NO -> YES
Speed-> 20Mbps



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