Mr. Arunesh Vaish, Head Master (Shift-I)

Mr. Arunesh Vaish, Head Master of Kendriya Vidyalaya Gomtinagar, Lucknow had joined KVS on 01.08.2003 and promoted to the Post of Head Master on 06.08.2013 through Limited Departmental Examination.
He had received Regional Incentive Award 2016 of Lucknow Region. He is Associate Course Director for Induction of PRT (2019) & PRT (Music) in 2018. He was Resource Person for In-service Course of PRT 2017-18, 2020-21 & 2021-22 . He is an active member of Regional Academic Advisory Committee. He is Regional Level Master Trainer of CBL-CCT (EVS) and Foundational Literacy and Numeracy Programme. He is associated with Spiral Split up syllabus Committee. He was associated with Project Back to Basics and SLATE-2018 work for the region. With his remarkable contribution the Vidyalaya got first prize in Regional Swachh Vidyalaya Award for 2017-18. He was also associated with Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat 2017.

He is the man of computer thus helping the vidyalaya to develop ICT related activities and helps the office during collection of data. He had been assigned various duties viz. reception, press and publicity, record monitoring during events in vidyalaya and is available to serve at any time.

He deals with problems of staff, students and parents in to their utmost satisfaction as a mentor and a guide. He co-operates with staff and provides congenial atmosphere to the students and teachers to create positive environment to get the best results in all the fields.

He believes in learning while doing. During his teaching he tries to create such an environment by celebrating days / festivals etc that take the students in the real imagination. He is Master trainer. The presentations developed by him are also used by other trainers. He took initiatives to organize various CMP Activities with staff and students to develop the spirit of togetherness.

Teacher Achiever Type: 
Head Master